
Feedback from the faculty student council survey

We would like to thank everyone who submitted their feedback to the faculty student council. Below please see the feedback and our responses:

Most frequent feedback

  • A lot of students would prefer if Anton could right bigger on the board, especially in the Architecture faculty
    I will do my best, but the screen is really inconvenient, sorry :( We have already communicated the issue to the administration, so that this problem does not occur in the next course runs.
  • Many students would like it if the answers to the homework assignments would be in more detail (or otherwise hints to which formula to use)
    In the beginning of the course we announced that the solutions are not meant to be complete, and are only there for validating your work. Deciding what approach to use is the main point of the learning activity.
  • Besides that, multiple students said they would like it if more practice/mini tests with answers were put online
    To the best of our current understanding, providing more practice exams promotes inefficient learning.
  • There were also a lot of students who were very positive about the clear lecture notes, they are structured very well. The same goes for the forum that is used.
    We thank everyone for the feedback, and we will continue improving our online materials.
  • Furthermore, the students were also very positive about the website.

Further feedback

  • Some students said they would like more structure during the lectures, for example by beginning the lecture by telling the students what will be discussed during that lecture
    We thank the students for the suggestion, and will try to accommodate this better.
  • They would also prefer it if more concepts could be discussed during the lecture and less derivations
    We try to strike a good balance between conceptual discussions and derivations, however we always welcome specific suggestions via the course issue tracker.
  • Some students said they think the questions during the exercise lectures are not very representative for the tests/exam
    Many, but not all of the exercises are of exactly the same level as the exam/minitest problems (some exercises were in the minitests or exams in the previous years).
  • Furthermore, a couple of students mentioned that they really like the warm up questions, and like that you can send in questions for during the lecture
  • Multiple students also said they think the lecturers are very enthusiastic and very involved. They also think the TA’s are very good, and involved too. Thanks as well!

Changes since the last year (11/02)

Following our own evaluation and the student feedback we are implementing the following changes this year:

  • Moved the minitests to Mondays or the midterm week.
  • Changed the Q&A sessions on Friday into a forum setting, where the course participants answer each other's question.
  • Shared two example exams and the solutions on the course website
  • Provide solution outlines on the course website.
  • Misc minor tweaks of content.